Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fire Safety isn't important until something happens to you.  Keep you and your family safe and ready.
House and property fires are something most people do not know how to deal with or prepare for until it is too late. Being prepared and having a plan will make the difference between a small life lesson and losing your home. 

Tips to keep in mind when being fire safe:

  1. Test fire alarms once a month and teach your children what sound they make and what to do when they hear it. It is recommended to replace fire alarms every 10 years.
  2. Keep all fabrics or flammable items away from electrical outlets or any item that heats up. Fires can be started without an open flame. As little as a spark too close to a curtain can start a large house fire.
  3. Teach your children about fire safety. Curiosity can get the best of a child at a very young age and the more you discuss with them before they decide to learn by themselves, the more likely you can prevent them from being injured or accidently starting a fire.
  4. Designate an outdoor meeting area for once every member is out of the home.
  5. Practice escaping from the home at least two times a year. Use the smoke detectors to familiarize you and your family to the sound and teach safe evacuation techniques such as: having two exits from the home, never touching the doorknob, crawling below the smoke, and STOP, DROP, & ROLL!
  6. The 2016 Fire Safety week begins October 9, 2016 - Sunday

Call Kim for your real estate questions!

Kim Duclos